Pool Trouble Issues 2022

Maintaining a swimming pool can come with various challenges. Here are some common pool issues and how to address them:

1. Cloudy Water

  • Causes: Poor filtration, high pH or alkalinity, high calcium hardness, or an insufficient chlorine level.
  • Solutions:
    • Test and adjust chemical levels, ensuring pH is 7.2-7.6 and chlorine is 1-3 ppm.
    • Clean or replace the filter.
    • Use a pool clarifier or flocculant to remove suspended particles.

2. Algae Growth

  • Causes: Low chlorine levels, poor circulation, or an imbalance in pool chemicals.
  • Solutions:
    • Shock the pool with a high dose of chlorine.
    • Brush the walls and floor to remove algae.
    • Add an algaecide to prevent future growth.
    • Ensure proper circulation and filtration.

3. Green Pool Water

  • Causes: Algae growth due to low chlorine levels or poor pool maintenance.
  • Solutions:
    • Shock the pool and maintain a higher chlorine level until the water clears.
    • Brush and vacuum the pool.
    • Use an algaecide to treat and prevent algae.

4. Low Chlorine Levels

  • Causes: High pool usage, heavy rain, or organic matter (leaves, debris) consuming chlorine.
  • Solutions:
    • Add more chlorine to reach the desired level.
    • Regularly shock the pool, especially after heavy use or rain.
    • Use a stabilizer (cyanuric acid) to protect chlorine from sunlight degradation.

5. High Chlorine Levels

  • Causes: Over-shocking the pool or adding too much chlorine.
  • Solutions:
    • Stop adding chlorine and let sunlight naturally reduce the level.
    • Dilute the water by adding fresh water and removing some pool water.
    • Use a chlorine neutralizer if levels are excessively high.

6. Low pH Levels

  • Causes: Rainwater, body oils, and sweat can lower pH.
  • Solutions:
    • Add soda ash (sodium carbonate) to raise the pH.
    • Aim for a pH range of 7.2-7.6.

7. High pH Levels

  • Causes: Adding too many alkaline chemicals or using well water.
  • Solutions:
    • Add muriatic acid or sodium bisulfate to lower the pH.
    • Test and adjust pH regularly.

8. Scaling on Pool Surfaces

  • Causes: High calcium hardness or high pH levels.
  • Solutions:
    • Lower the calcium hardness level by partially draining and refilling the pool.
    • Maintain proper pH and alkalinity levels.
    • Use a scale inhibitor.

9. Staining on Pool Surfaces

  • Causes: Metals in the water (iron, copper) or organic matter.
  • Solutions:
    • Use a metal sequestrant to prevent metal staining.
    • Shock the pool and use a stain remover for organic stains.

10. Foamy Water

  • Causes: High organic load, lotions, oils, or too much algaecide.
  • Solutions:
    • Use a defoamer to remove foam.
    • Reduce the use of algaecide.
    • Regularly clean and shock the pool.

11. Cyanuric Acid Levels Too High

  • Causes: Overuse of stabilized chlorine products.
  • Solutions:
    • Partially drain and refill the pool to dilute the cyanuric acid.
    • Use unstabilized chlorine until levels are balanced.

12. Filter Issues

  • Causes: Clogged or dirty filters, incorrect filter type or size.
  • Solutions:
    • Clean or backwash the filter regularly.
    • Replace the filter media as needed.
    • Ensure the filter is the correct size and type for your pool.

Preventive Measures

  • Regular Testing: Test your pool water at least weekly and after heavy use or rain.
  • Consistent Maintenance: Regularly clean the pool, skim debris, and vacuum the floor.
  • Proper Circulation: Run the pump and filter system for at least 8-12 hours a day.
  • Balanced Chemicals: Maintain proper chemical levels to prevent problems.

By understanding these common pool issues and their solutions, you can keep your pool in excellent condition, ensuring a safe and enjoyable swimming environment.

Brian’s Pool Care offers solutions to any pool problem you may be experiencing in Ahwatukee, AZ. Give us a call today at 480-907-7959 for more information or to schedule pool services.