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Weekly Pool Maintenance

Maintaining a pool can be straightforward if you follow a regular routine. Here are some simple pool maintenance tips to keep your pool clean and safe:

Daily Tasks

  1. Skim Debris:
    • Use a pool skimmer net to remove leaves, bugs, and other debris from the surface of the water.
  2. Check Water Level:
    • Ensure the water level is at the midpoint of the pool skimmer or pool tile for proper filtration.

Weekly Tasks

  1. Test Water Chemistry:
    • Use a pool testing kit to check the levels of chlorine, pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness. Adjust as needed.
    • Chlorine Levels: Aim for 1-3 ppm (parts per million).
    • pH Levels: Keep between 7.2 and 7.6.
    • Alkalinity: Should be between 80-120 ppm.
    • Calcium Hardness: Should be between 200-400 ppm.
  2. Brush Pool Walls and Floor:
    • Use a pool brush to scrub the walls, floor, and steps of the pool to prevent algae buildup.
  3. Vacuum the Pool:
    • Use a pool vacuum to clean the bottom of the pool. This can be manual or automatic.
  4. Empty Skimmer and Pump Baskets:
    • Remove and empty the skimmer and pump baskets to ensure proper water flow and filtration.
  5. Shock the Pool:
    • Add a pool shock product to the water to kill bacteria and algae. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct amount to use.

Monthly Tasks

  1. Check Filter:
    • Clean or backwash the pool filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This helps maintain proper water circulation and filtration.
  2. Check for Leaks:
    • Inspect the pool and surrounding area for any signs of leaks. Fix any issues promptly.

Seasonal Tasks

  1. Inspect Equipment:
    • Check all pool equipment, including pumps, filters, and heaters, for proper operation. Replace or repair any faulty equipment.
  2. Balance Water Before Closing:
    • If you close your pool for the winter, balance the water chemistry and add a winterizing chemical kit before covering it.

Additional Tips

  • Maintain Proper Circulation:
    • Run your pool pump for at least 8-12 hours a day during the swimming season to keep water circulating and clean.
  • Cover Your Pool:
    • Use a pool cover when the pool is not in use to keep debris out and reduce evaporation.
  • Use a Pool Cover Pump:
    • In rainy seasons, use a pool cover pump to remove excess water from the cover.

By following these simple maintenance steps, you can keep your pool clean, clear, and safe for swimming. Regular maintenance helps prevent bigger problems and ensures your pool is always ready for a dip.

How To Vacuum The Pool

  1. Prepare your pool vacuum. Attach the vacuum head to the telescoping pole and the vacuum hose to the vacuum head. Make sure that the vacuum hose is free of air bubbles.
  2. Connect the vacuum hose to the skimmer. This is usually done by attaching the vacuum plate to the end of the hose and placing it over the suction vent in the skimmer.
  3. Turn on the pump. This will create suction that will pull the debris through the vacuum head and into the pump.
  4. Start vacuuming. Move the vacuum head along the bottom of the pool in a slow and steady motion. Be sure to cover all areas of the pool.
  5. Check the pump strainer. If the pump strainer becomes clogged, it will lose suction. To clear the strainer, remove it from the pump and clean it with a brush.
  6. Turn off the pump. Once you are finished vacuuming, turn off the pump.
  7. Disconnect the vacuum hose. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the skimmer and the vacuum head.
  8. Clean the vacuum head. Rinse the vacuum head with water and dry it with a towel.

Here are some additional tips for vacuuming your pool:

  • If your pool is heavily soiled, you may need to vacuum it more than once a week.
  • If you have a lot of leaves or debris in your pool, you may need to use a leaf skimmer to remove them before vacuuming.
  • If the vacuum head gets stuck, turn off the pump and reposition it.
  • Be sure to backwash your filter after vacuuming to remove any dirt or debris that may have been sucked into the filter.

By following these steps, you can easily vacuum your pool and keep it clean and sparkling.

Checking Water Chemistry

  • Test strips: These are small, single-use strips that change color to indicate the concentration of a specific chemical. To use test strips, dip a strip into the water sample and swish it around for a few seconds. Then, compare the color of the strip to a color chart to read the concentration of the chemical.
  • Test kits: These kits come with a variety of test solutions that react with different chemicals in the water. To use a test kit, add the appropriate test solution to a sample of water and wait for a few minutes. Then, compare the color of the solution to a color chart to read the concentration of the chemical.

The most important chemicals to test for in pool water are chlorine, pH, and alkalinity.

  • Chlorine: Chlorine is a disinfectant that kills bacteria and algae. The ideal chlorine level for a pool is between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm).
  • pH: pH is a measure of how acidic or basic the water is. The ideal pH level for a pool is between 7.2 and 7.8.
  • Alkalinity: Alkalinity helps to buffer the pH level of the water. The ideal alkalinity level for a pool is between 80 and 120 parts per million (ppm).

If the levels of any of these chemicals are outside of the ideal range, you will need to adjust them. You can do this by adding chemicals to the pool, or by draining and refilling the pool.

It is important to check the water chemistry of your pool on a regular basis, at least once a week. This will help to ensure that the water is clean and safe for swimming.

Here are some additional tips for checking water chemistry:

  • Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the test kit or test strips you are using.
  • Take the water sample from a location in the pool that is away from the skimmer and return jet.
  • Stir the water sample before testing it.
  • Read the test results carefully and make sure you understand what they mean.
  • If you are unsure how to adjust the water chemistry, consult a pool professional.

By following these tips, you can easily check the water chemistry of your pool and keep it clean and safe for swimming.

Checking The Pump Strainer

  1. Turn off the pump. This will prevent any water from flowing through the pump and into the strainer.
  2. Locate the pump strainer. The pump strainer is usually located near the bottom of the pump. It is a metal or plastic basket that is attached to the pump.
  3. Remove the pump strainer. To remove the pump strainer, you will need to unscrew it or unclip it from the pump.
  4. Inspect the pump strainer. Look for any debris that may be clogging the strainer. This could include leaves, twigs, insects, or other small objects.
  5. Clean the pump strainer. If the pump strainer is clogged, you will need to clean it. You can do this by rinsing it with water or by using a brush to remove the debris.
  6. Reinstall the pump strainer. Once the pump strainer is clean, you can reinstall it on the pump.
  7. Turn on the pump. Turn on the pump and check to make sure that the water is flowing freely through the pump strainer.

Here are some additional tips for checking the pump strainer:

  • You should check the pump strainer on a weekly basis, or more often if your pool is heavily used.
  • If the pump strainer is not cleaned regularly, it can become clogged and restrict the flow of water through the pump. This can damage the pump and reduce the efficiency of your pool filter.
  • If you have a cartridge filter, you may also need to clean the cartridge filter on a regular basis.

By following these steps, you can easily check the pump strainer in your pool and keep it clean and working properly.

Common Pool Problems 


If you’re still interested in taking a hands-on approach to see if you have what it takes, below are the more common pool problems and how to fix them.

Algae Or Green Pool Water 


Algae Problem:

Algae in your pool water is the most common pool problem you will run into. It causes water to be green “green pool”, and in more extreme cases will have a green surface with swimmers exiting the pool like a swamp creature.

90% of algae growth occurs due to a low chlorine levels in the pool water or the pH balance if not correct.

DIY Solution:

Use a pool shock treatment with three times the amount of suggested shock treatment. Combine this with algaecide and it will get rid of the algae.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional green pool cleaning services.

Clogged Pool Filter


Clogged Filter Problem:

The pool appears to be filled with debris, and when examining the filter, it is packed with debris too. There is no reason to worry. This simply shows the filter is working properly, and the filter has been clogged due to a dirty pool.

DIY Solution:

When clogged, simply remove the debris and perform usual filter maintenance. According to Brevik, filters and pumps should be chemically cleaned at least once a year to expand the functional life.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional pool filter cleaning services.

Broken Pool Filter


Broken Filter Problem:

The pool filter does not appear to be turning on at all. No noise is coming from the pool filter.

DIY Solution:

There aren’t any DIY solutions to replacing your broken filter unless you have pool equipment repair experience.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional pool filter repair services.

Foaming On The Pool Surface


Foaming Problem:

Pool appears to have a bunch of foam, with white suds appearing on the surface. The majority of foaming found in pools seem to occur due to a poor algaecide. When asking how to determine an algaecide is poor. They do not simply say they foam on the package, but they are often cheaper and sold in many major marketplaces.

DIY Solution:

Go grab you some anti-foam agent from the store to eliminate the foam. In the future, purchase your algaecide at a pool dealer.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional pool cleaning services.

Minerals In Pool Water


Mineral Problem:

Pool water becomes a brilliant teal or a chocolate milk brown and blonde hair may become green. The root of the issue is a build-up of minerals, and a lot of them. If iron minerals build-up, it causes brown water, and copper build-up causes water to appear teal and turns hair green.

DIY Solution:

Various chemicals are available at your local pool store to treat the issue. You will start by determining the type of mineral build-up, and grab the correct treatment.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional pool maintenance services.

Murky Water Or Green Pool Water 


Murky Or Green Pool Water Problem:

When you are unable to see the pool bottom and it becomes a mystery as to what lurks beneath… The common reason is your pH levels are out of balance, and rain will only increase the problem. Rain is very acidic in the area, and it impacts the pool’s pH levels.

DIY Solution:

You need to have the water tested to determine the pH level and adjust as needed. The pH level can be too high or too low.


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional green pool cleaning services.

Stains On Pool Walls Or Pool Tile


Green Pool Wall Or Tile Stains Problem:

If the wall of the pool has a brown stain or on the floor, and you have no idea where it came from, sounds like you may have a stain. If may be organic, or if you had a mineral build-up, this could be the cause. You can test this by putting a little pH decreaser on a sock, then rubbing it directly on the stain. If the stain is removed, you are done. If the stain remains, try the method again using a chlorine stick in the stock, instead of pH decreaser.

DIY Solution:

After testing, if the stain remains you need to consult the professionals by explaining the results of your test. However, you should take action quickly to increase the chance of removal. Hoffer stated that “It is similar to having your favorite cloths stained, the longer it goes without being treated, the harder the stain becomes to remove.”


Call Brian’s Pool Care to receive professional pool tile cleaning services or pool acid washing services.

Brian’s Pool Care Offers Solutions To Your Pool Problems


Brian’s Pool Care offers solutions to any pool problem you may be experiencing in Ahwatukee, AZ. Give us a call today at 480-907-7959 for more information or to schedule pool services.